
Course Information

History of Photography (PHO140 (UG24))

Term: Fall 2024 (UNDG)


Christine Lee Smith
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Tue-Thu, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (9/3/2024 - 12/11/2024) Location: MAIN (ABPK B27 - Classroom Lecture)


This course follows movements and themes in the history of photography from its inception at the turn of the 19th century to today. In this class, students will identify key works and discuss their significance in a historical context. On a more theoretical level, photography will be observed as cultural production that shapes personal and political ideology. Photographic examples will be presented from photojournalism, documentary, fine art, advertising, fashion and academia to more vernacular uses in everyday life. Through readings, discussions and assignments students will build the visual literacy needed to experience, understand and analyze images. (3 units; Fall/Spring)