Staff Parking

See parking map for staff parking regulations.  Parking Map


  • Regulations do not apply
    • weekends
    • designated CBU Holidays
    • or any time the University is not open for traditional classes
  • Exceptions
    • Motorcycles and scooters can park in any spot designated for such vehicles
    • Those who use handicapped parking may use the most convenient space marked for that purpose.


Each member of the California Baptist University Safety Services is committed to providing Exceptional Customer Service to the CBU community in all that we do.

While we work hard to ensure the highest quality of service and professionalism, we recognize citations may occasionally be issued errantly and/or an individual may want to appeal a citation. The CBU Vehicle Code provides remedy to these issues in the form of the Parking/Traffic Violation Appeal process.

If you receive a citation from CBU Safety Services and would like to file an appeal:

  1. Scan the QR code on your ticket, or access the ticket portal at and select "Search Ticket."
  2. Enter your ticket number and follow the prompts.
  3. Appeals should be submitted online within five (5) days of receiving the citation.
  4. Remember to include the reason you believe the citation should be dismissed and include any evidence you wish to have considered.

Once a decision has been rendered, you will receive an email response to your appeal. 

For questions regarding the Appeal Process, please contact Safety Services at 951-343-4311.  


The right of California Baptist University (CBU or University) to control traffic and parking on campus is conferred by the California Vehicle Code (CVC). The University Vehicle Code (CBUVC) is designed to ensure campus safety, aid the flow of traffic and provide maximum parking availability. The Department of Safety Services (Department) has been given the responsibility and authority to administer the CBUVC. The University reserves the right to revise the CBUVC at any time.