Federal Perkins Loan recipients may be eligible for periods of deferment, during which interest does not accrue and repayment of principal is not required.  For more information about deferment, forbearance and cancellation benefits contact ECSI at 1-888-549-3274.

Economic Hardship or Forbearance

Students experiencing financial difficulties and who are not able to make monthly payments, may be eligible for an economic hardship or forbearance deferment.  The economic hardship and forbearance deferment are for principal only and following the deferment no grace period is provided.  Contact ECSI at 1-888-549-3274 to request an economic hardship or forbearance deferment.

In-School Deferment

Students enrolled at least half-time at another college or university, are eligible for an In-School Deferment.  Following the deferment a 6-month grace period is provided.  You must file a Request for Deferment of Repayment form for benefits.  Sign the form and have it certified by an appropriate official.  Include additional required documentation if needed and submit to ECSI.
Students enrolled at California Baptist University are not required to submit the deferment form each semester.  The Title IV Funds Coordinator will verify enrollment and process the deferment on the student's behalf.