Important Links

Title Description

This website is where you find, view, and complete everything needed for federal aid. On this website you complete your FAFSA every year, you will complete your loan documents, your parent can apply for a Parent Plus loan, and you can view your loan and grant usage (among many other things).

InsideCBU is the website you will use for most all things at CBU. This website gives you access to Academic Advising, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, University Card Services, and several other offices. You may be using this website very frequently, so it is a good idea to bookmark the page for easier access. 

This webpage is a collection of outside scholarships that students can apply for. You can access this page using your InsideCBU login information. Please apply to as many scholarships you can, checking back often for additional opportunities.

This website is where you will complete all documents needed for the Cal Grant. You will create an account, submit documents, and be able to monitor your Cal Grant status.