Must have a FAFSA on file and be seeking your first bachelors degree. Pell Grant is based on enrollment status and financial need - as determined by the FAFSA. Award is up to $7,395/year. 

For more information on Pell Grant, click here.



Must have a FAFSA on file. Priority in awarding is given to incoming students with the highest need ($0 EFC). Award up to $2,000/year. Funds are limited.

For more information on the FSEOG, click here.



The Federal Work Study (FWS) Program is a federally-funded, need-based, campus-based work program designed to assist students through part-time employment on-campus or with approved off-campus sites.  Eligibility is based on a student’s financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA.  Funding and availability is limited and not guaranteed.  FWS funds are not disbursed separately to the student, nor applied to the students account; they are included in the student’s regular paycheck. 

Once you have enrolled in classes at CBU, you can obtain an employment application from the Career Center.  Students should have their application reviewed by the Financial Aid Office for FWS eligibility before submitting the application. 

Once employment is obtained and if the student is awarded FWS, the student will be notified by the Financial Aid Office. For additional instructions on applying for an on-campus job, click here.


IASG/CFH (Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant/Children of Fallen Heroes)

The IASG and CFH scholarship allow for the full Pell Grant if you are not already eligible based on your EFC. The IASG is for students whose Parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11. The CFH scholarship is for students whose parents were public safety officers (police/fire/etc.) and died in the line of duty. 

For more information on the IASG, click here.

Enrollment and Residency Requirements apply to all undergraduate students who receive Institutional Financial Aid which includes, but is not limited to, scholarships, grants, and discounts offered by California Baptist University. The CBU Enrollment and Residency Requirements Policy is available in the Student Handbook.



Award amounts listed are for students enrolling for the first time at California Baptist University in Fall 2024. Please refer to previous catalogs for scholarship/grant awarding information for enrollment that began prior to fall 2024.

***Merit scholarship amounts and criteria for the 2024-2025 school year are subject to change.***


Trustees Scholarship - $17,000
4.0 GPA and above

Presidents Scholarship - $16,000
3.9 - 3.99 GPA 

Deans Scholarship - $15,000
3.3 - 3.89 GPA 

Directors Scholarship - $13,000
2.95 - 3.29 GPA


The maintenance GPA for all academic scholarships is 2.0.



Transfer Platinum - $13,000
3.75 GPA and above

Transfer Gold - $12,000
3.5 - 3.74 GPA 

Transfer Blue - 11,000
3.0 - 3.49 GPA 

Transfer Bronze - $9,000
2.5 - 2.99 GPA

To be considered a transfer student you must have completed 24 or more units from a regionally accredited college or university. Renewable if the minimum maintenance GPA is maintained. The maintenance GPA for all academic scholarships is 2.0.


**Remember to notify the Financial Aid Office if your number of enrolled units is changed or adjusted, as this could affect your Financial Aid award letter.**



Must be declared major and or minor:

  • Bachelors of Applied Theology (BAT) Scholarship 951-343-4248
  • College of Architecture, Visual Arts & Design 951-343-4531
  • Journalism Scholarship 951-343-4964
  • Construction Management 951-343-4972

Active participation required:

  • Athletic Scholarship 951-343-4318
  • Theater Scholarship 951-343-4319
  • Music Scholarship 951-343-4251
  • Speech/Debate Scholarship 951-343-4964

Returning students only:

  • 24/25 Donor Scholarships- Please visit Scholarship Universe to apply. Deadline extended to April 21, 2024.



CBU Promise - Beginning in Fall 2024, incoming students are guaranteed at least $8,000 in CBU Gift aid.

CBU Grant  Based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA and coordinated with all other sources of aid. Therefore, if a student receives additional federal, state  or institutional funds, the CBU Grant may be reduced or eliminated.

Ministers Kin Scholarship - up to $3,250 per year As determined by the Undergraduate Admissions office. 

Multi-Sibling Scholarship - $2,000 per year For families with two or more dependent siblings enrolled in CBU’s Traditional Undergraduate Program. Click here for more info.

CBU Cal Grant B Assistance - $7,710 for the first year only - Only available to students who qualify for Cal Grant B.


**Remember to notify the Financial Aid Office if your number of enrolled units is changed or adjusted, as this could affect your Financial Aid offer.**


FAFSA Deadline for 24/25 is April 2, 2024. GPA Deadline for 24/25 is March 4, 2024.

1. Must have a completed FAFSA on file

  • By March 2nd, 2023 for the 23/24 aid year
  • By April 2nd, 2024 for the 24/25 aid year.

2. Complete the GPA Verification Form

- To confirm your GPA is submitted to CSAC log in to your account at

- If your GPA is not listed on your Webgrants account you will need to complete and submit a GPA Verification Form

            To complete the form, fill out the first page then bring the form to either your:

  • Community college if you have 24 completed units on your community college transcript
  • High School if you do not have 24 or more units on your community college transcript or if you have never attended college.

Your High School or community college will complete/submit the second page of the form, see or call 1-888-224-7268 for more details.

Award amount depends on the program for which you qualify (Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B) as well as the specific year of your initial award.

For more information on Cal Grant, click here or create an account here.


Late FAFSA or CADAA Appeal Process for Cal Grant
If you missed the May 2nd, 2024, Cal Grant FAFSA and CADAA deadline, CSAC has an appeal process for you. The Cal Grant Appeals G-18 Form, accessible on CSAC's website, is for students who couldn't submit their FAFSA or CADAA on time due to circumstances beyond their control or those who were disqualified in error.

If you submitted a partial or incomplete FAFSA or CADAA by the May 2nd deadline you do not need to appeal. This includes those awaiting completion from FAFSA contributors, lacking necessary signatures, or requiring application corrections. If you have any questions about this, please let us know.



CAL G8 Form 'High School Certification'- Designed for students coming out of High School

CAL G6 Form 'Entitlement Transfer' - Designed for students transferring from a community college

As a new recipient of CAL Grant, each student must complete one of the forms. Create an account and/or log in here to complete the G8 or G6 form online. 

Note: If you need to complete the G8 Form, be sure to complete it after you graduate from High School (it does not have a March 2nd deadline).  



CADAA Deadline for 24/25 is April 2nd, 2024

If you meet AB540 requirements, submit a CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) to determine if you qualify for the Cal Grant.

1. Submit the Dream Act Application

2. Complete the GPA Verification Form

Your High School or current college will complete/submit the bottom portion, see or call 1-888-224-7268 for more details. Award amount depends on the program for which you qualify (Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B) as well as the specific year of your initial award.  

For more information on Dream Act, click here.


2023-2024 CA Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG): Cal Grant B award, or with a Cal Grant A award that met Cal Grant B eligibility, to perform community or volunteer service. The Commission will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester or up to $1,500 per quarter) to 1,667 eligible students. The grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters or up to 12 quarters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award. Students must also meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant award. 

To complete the application for the 2023-2023 DSIG, visit the DSIG website: 


CHAFEE GRANT - up to $5,000/year

Designed for students who are or were in Foster Care. 

1. Must have FAFSA on file

2. Complete the Chafee Grant Application

3. Meet the state requirements - click here to determine your eligibility or review the Chafee Fact Sheet



The Golden State Teacher Grant Program is currently on pause pending updates from CSAC because of recent state budgetary changes. We will provide those that may be eligible with updates as we receive them.

The Golden State Teacher Grant Program (GSTG)  awards students currently enrolled in a professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and working towards earning their preliminary teaching or pupil personnel services credential. For more information, please visit CSAC's site here:

Payment Contingency:
The Golden State Teacher Grant awards are subject to the availability of funds. They are processed on a first-come, first-served basis for eligible applicants who have submitted a signed Service Agreement (SA). In the event of insufficient funds, the last grant recipient may receive a partial award of the remaining funds.


CalKIDS – Up to $1,500

$500 for students that attended a public school in California and were identified as low income. Additional monies to foster and homeless.

Check here to see if you qualify:

You will need your Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), this is often found on high school transcripts, through your high school’s parent portal, or you can contact your high school and ask for it.

Once you have registered for your account you will be able to request that funds be sent to CBU on your behalf, More information on the CalKIDS program can be found here:

Receiving outside scholarship or grants is a great way to reduce your balance or the amount of loans you borrow in college. Make sure scholarship information and offers you receive are legitimate; and remember that you don't have to pay to find scholarships or other financial aid. Check out Federal Student Aid's information on how to avoid scams.


Please consider the following sources:

    • a high school counselor
    • your library’s reference section
    • foundations, religious or community organizations, local businesses, or civic groups
    • organizations (including professional associations) related to your field of interest
    • ethnicity-based organizations
    • your employer or your parents’ employers

Also check out the following document for more information: Scholarship Helpful Hints 


The Earnest Scholarship Fund: Click here to apply for a $5,000 scholarship.

All W-9 requests and inquiries must be emailed to the