
Welcome CBU Veterans, Military Dependents, and Active Duty Military Members!

How do I get started using my Veterans Education Benefits at CBU?

There are three things that CBU's School Certifying Official's (SCO's) will need in order to determine your eligibility for VA benefits and to request those funds from the VA. 

  1. A copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA uploaded to Student Forms
  2. A copy of your DD-214 uploaded to Student Forms.
  3. A completed Certification Request Form.

In order to obtain your Certificate of Eligibility you must apply for education benefits here: Start at the section titled "How do I apply?". Answer the questions that are prompted and follow the link to apply. If you have already applied and are eligible, your COE will be available to you through the website.

How do I get started using Military Tuition Assistance at CBU?

  1. Speak with your education officer, career counselor, or benefits incentive specialists to ensure you are eligible for Tuition Assistance.
  2. Gain approval from your commander to attend classes at CBU prior to enrollment. (Note: Commanders approve TA!)
  3. See your base Education Services Officer (ESO) prior to enrolling for classes at CBU.
  4. Follow the military service branch and component specific instructions how to request Tuition Assistance for your course(s). Take note of the TA application instructions/deadlines specific to your branch and CBU’s academic calendar.
  5. Submit your approved TA request to your Admissions Counselor, your Student Success Coach, or to in PDF format.
  6. The Financial Aid Office will process your approved TA request and post a scholarship giving you the TA rate. Once payment is received from the DoD, the Student Accounts Office will apply that payment to your Student Account. 

TA Request Timeframes

Please request your TA Voucher from your branch as early as possible each semester, the below timeframes are meant as a guide to help you. Each branch will not issue vouchers after the end dates below so please plan accordingly.

  • Air Force
    • Start: 45 days before term starts
    • End: 7 days before term starts
  • Army
    • Start: 60 days before term starts
    • End: 7 days before term starts
  • Coast Guard
    • Start: 90 days before term starts
    • End: 16 days before term starts
  • Marine
    • Start: 60 days before term starts
    • End: 1 days before term starts
  • Navy
    • Start: 120 days before term starts
    • End: 14 days before term starts