Seats Open:
The 'seats open' results indicate how many seats are still available for students to register and the maximum number of students who may register for the specific course section. For example 25/45 would indicate an additional 25 students may register for the course before the section reaches its maximum enrollment of 45 students. The first number will show as zero when the class has reached is maximum enrollment and its closed.    
Days of the Week:
U Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Classroom Buildings  
ABPK Adams Business Park
AQUA Aquatic Center
ARCH Architecture Building
ARPT Airport Offices/Classrooms
BLDG Building 36
BMNT Site Classrooms
CBU Online Courses
CERM Ceramics Building
CFLM Film Building
ECTR Events Center
EPLB Engineering Project Lab
GYM Gymnasium - Van Dyne Field House
HMUS Hawkins Music Building
HSCC Health Sciences Campus Buildings
INST Instructor's Office
JAME James Building
LAPC Lance Athletic Performance Center
LARM Lancer Arms
LOAC Lancer Outdoor Athletic Complex
LPLZ Lancer Plaza
MHAL Mission Hall
NURS School of Nursing Building
OTHR Off Campus Location
PBLD Park Business Building
RCTR Rec Center
TEGR Troesch Engineering Building
TPLZ Tyler Plaza
VAND Van Dyne Gym
VILG The Village at CBU
VRTL Virtual Synchronous Courses
WALT Wallace Theatre
YCTR Yeager Center